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Common Illnesses Going Around

Stay informed about common illnesses affecting children in our community. At Pinecone Pediatrics, we provide up-to-date information on seasonal illnesses like the flu, colds, RSV, and more. Learn about symptoms, prevention tips, and when to seek medical care. If your child is showing signs of illness, our pediatricians are here to help with expert guidance and treatment options to ensure a speedy recovery. Contact us to schedule an appointment or get advice on managing your child’s symptoms.


We are currently seeing children and adolescents with cough, typically one of the most prominent and bothersome symptoms of viral respiratory infections at this time of year. Coughing is an important and beneficial reflex that our bodies need to clear secretions and to keep open our major airways during the course of a viral cold or upper respiratory infection. However, severe or persistent cough can be associated with asthma, pneumonia, sinus infections, and bronchiolitis, and should be evaluated by your health care provider.

See also: Colds | Cough | Any Chest Pain | Barky cough and hoarseness, see Croup | If Earache is your main concern, see Earache | If you are coughing because of an Asthma Attack, see Asthma Attack | If you have a Common Cold, see Colds | Previous diagnosis of asthma, see Asthma Attack | Wheezing but no previous diagnosis of asthma, see Wheezing (Other Than Asthma)